Mary Leman is an E.R. nurse at Lutheran Hospital in Ft. Wayne and took the time out of her busy third shift work schedule to visit us! She won them over right away by passing out Starburst candies for each question the kids asked:)
She let them each listen to her heartbeat and explained she routinely does this with each patient.
She showed them how she would treat someone who came in with a broken leg. (Using Asher as her patient) |
Which led right into us creating our own "casts" and cheering our "hurt" friends up by signing each others casts!
We sorted vowels and consonants during our snack time this week by using alphabet cookies. |
We talked about being thankful toward the people who help us, and we made thank you cards that I was able to deliver to the Police and Fire Station on Tuesday night before the parade:)
And finally, in Science we explored our sense of touch using water beads. So much fun!
(Maybe the coolest things ever!)