A Short, Sweet Week!

Thanksgiving week is a time for...




and thankful attitudes!

After the Auction...

What a wonderful auction night! Thanks for all of the support!

Kindergarten practiced their number families this week!

We have finished our community helpers unit in Social Studies and have moved on to our country, America!
We learned about a compass rose and the four different directions we can travel.

Just a first grade day...
They learned more about their teeth in Health class.
We used eggs to represent tooth enamel, and did some experimenting!
In Science, we continued our study of the weather.
We learned about rain and storms and used paint to make our own showers...

We carved out some time for centers this week, and had fun building with straws!

2023 KA Spirit Week!

 Animal Day!

Sneak peek at our auction book bags...

Our class had fun with playdough during Apologetics class this week!

Crazy Hair/ Hat Day!

Auction song practice!

Fun with Goofy!
Character Day!

Firstie made scented playdough after learning about our noses during Health...

Mismatch Day!

We finished our week strong...Firsties enjoyed watching class competitions!

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