The Mail Carrying Bakers!

This week in class we learned about Postal Workers in both our Phonics and our Social Studies. We talked about and I modeled how to properly address and stamp a letter. We even went outside to the Kingdom Academy mailbox and mailed a thank you card to Mary Leman!
The class had fun making pictures and cards for each other!

 I think their favorite part was playing "mail carrier" and delivering them to each other's "mailboxes"!

In Social Studies, along with Postal Workers, we also learned about Bakers. On Tuesday we had a great time becoming "Bakers" and using Mrs. Steffen's kitchen to bake some brownies!
Licking the spoon is an important part of baking!

On Thursday in Science we learned about our sense of taste...what a perfect time to eat the brownies our "Bakers" baked! Of course we couldn't eat plain brownies, we had to decorate them first😉

 I can't wait to "cook" up some more fun in Kindergarten next week!

A Special Guest!

 Mary Leman is an E.R. nurse at Lutheran Hospital in Ft. Wayne and took the time out of her busy third shift work schedule to visit us! She won them over right away by passing out Starburst candies for each question the kids asked:)

     She let them each listen to her heartbeat and explained she routinely does this with each patient.

She showed them how she would treat someone who came in with a broken leg. (Using Asher as her patient)
 Which led right into us creating our own "casts" and cheering our "hurt" friends up by signing each others casts!
We sorted vowels and consonants during our snack time this week by using alphabet cookies.

We talked about being thankful toward the people who help us, and we made thank you cards that I was able to deliver to the Police and Fire Station on Tuesday night before the parade:)

               And finally, in Science we explored our sense of touch using water beads. So much fun!
                                                        (Maybe the coolest things ever!)

Our First Field Trip!

In Phonics this week we learned about the word family "it". We learned that if we add "s" to the beginning then it becomes "sit". We can now read the words it, sit, fit, pit, kit, and bit! The kids have been so excited to learn to read!

In Math we talked about and made our own pictograph using a flannel board and flannel animals. Farmer Brown, our resident classroom farmer, has a lot of animals;)

Lastly, the highlight of our week, we have been studying community helpers in social studies so we took a field trip to the Bluffton Police and Fire Station to meet Officer Miller and Fire Chief Donny! Get ready for picture overload....


Filling up our short week!

In Social Studies on Tuesday we talked about ministers and how they do so much to teach us on Sundays and serve us throughout the week. After our talk, the kids made thank you cards and we delivered them on Thursday to our very own resident minister, Mr. Bertsch!

Everyday, in between Math and Handwriting, we like to take a "Brain Break".
The kids all pick an animal and we dance to some really fun action songs!   

                                           This week in Science we learned about our sense of smell.
                               To go along with that we painted some very fragrant pictures with Kool-aid!
     To make it even more "Kool" we added baking soda to our pictures to make them fizz and bubble!

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