filling another short week!

Although it was a short week, we made time for some really fun things! Like in Health, the Firsties  learned about safety in we made our own snow storm....

  We also took the time to make a thank you book for Miss Stefanie at the library...
Ultimately, the highlight of our week was the Valentine's Day party! Thanks for everything moms!

 Sibling Love!


A Full Week!

It's been a long time coming, but we've finally had a full week of school! During our short week (last week) we managed to take a field trip to the library in our day and a half here...


 This week in Social Studies we talked about travel - both now and in the past! Then we made airplanes!

 Wednesday was the day we celebrated First Grade's 100th day!

Finding 100 Starbursts!
Art with 100 buttons!


100 Day t-shirts with 100 fingers!


                                         100 things collections!
Guests for Show and Tell:)

Lastly, in Science, we talked about how Air, Wind, and Water affect even our balloons! 

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