Rolling with the Snow Days...

 After learning about four US Territories and how they are all islands, we played with sand...and glue!

Social Studies also taught us about the different ways we travel, then and now. We made glider airplanes to represent air travel!

The airport...

In Science this week, we continued our study of forces. Magnets were the focus...

Building and Learning!

 Kinders started the week off with M & M addition!

During Social Studies, both grades learned about Abraham Lincoln. Then we made log cabins out of pretzels and marshmallows!

Our study of Abe Lincoln wasn't complete without Lincoln Logs!

First Grade learned all about street safety during our Health class this week...

The Kinders just learned about long vowel sounds. We used licorice to practice making our vowels short ~ or long- 

In Science we started a new unit: Fun with Forces. This week was air and wind!

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