100 Days of Fun!

 In Social Studies this week, we learned that four of our US territories are islands! Then we used sand and glue to make our own island scenes.

The Kinders learned the two-vowel rule and they watched a video to help them remember it...
On Wednesday, the Firsties celebrated their 100th day of school!
They found 100 Hershey's Kisses...
Put 100 dots on t-shirts...
Made necklaces with 100 beads...
Used 100 buttons...

Used 100 popsicle sticks...

Built with 100 cups...

And made porcupine pets with 100 quills...

Both grades had fun learning about magnets, and playing with magnets, in Science this week!

Happy New Year...a little late!

We missed some days at school, but still managed to fit a lot of learning into our wonky week!

During Social Studies we learned about Abraham Lincoln and built with Lincoln Logs.

I was so thankful that we could still go on our field trip to the library!
Thank you, Miss Cindy!

This week in Science, we learned about wind and air. We made our own version of a kite with paper bags!

Firsties are learning about A-B-C order. We had a relay in the gym to practice!

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