Mrs. Kate!

 On Monday we learned about the Golden Gate Bridge during Social Studies. Then we made our own bridges...

Tuesday was the Mrs. Kate concert! So much fun!

On Wednesday the Firsties learned about safety during a snow storm...and we made our own snow storm...

Thursday was pajama and stuffed animal day!
During Science we learned about animal instincts. We talked about how a bird knows to build a nest and then we made bird feeders to help our Indiana birds!

Just for fun!

The Big Reveal!

 We started our week by having our postponed RAK Day!

We also had our Valentine's Day Party on Monday...thanks moms!

Firsties learned about safety during storms.
Then we did an experiment to show how hot air and cold air are separate. And when they meet, they form a storm...

Kinders practiced short and long vowels by using pull and peel Twizzlers.
Miss Susan came to visit us on Thursday...
We finished our week by launching marshmallows after we learned about levers during Science.

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