We made it!

Our last week has come and gone. I think I am still in shock that my first year of teaching is actually over! What a great year it was... I have loved teaching your children! 
I feel like we went out with a BANG! Our last week was packed full and so much fun! 100th Day!
Finding 100 Hershey's Kisses in our classroom!

Building with 100 Legos!

100 licks on a DumDum sucker!

Dot painting 100 numbers-in order!

Putting tiles together and counting to 100 by 5's!

Using 100 Froot Loops to make necklaces!

Eating 100 things for snack!

 We also took a field trip to LSM that day!

 100 Things Show and Tell...

Laffy Taffys!


Star Bursts!



Pieces of Rice!
 Next was our 100th Day Party! Thanks for all your hard work, Moms!

Our Grand Finale! Graduation Night...

Thanks for a great year!

Winding Down

This week has been packed full of learning everything we need to know before 1st grade! Plus we have been working hard to be ready for our graduation program!
During Bible we have been learning about missionaries and we made cards to send to the La Source family in Haiti.

 We had a special guest during show and tell this week...Rosie!

We are looking forward to a fun filled, last week, next week! 

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